The Joy of Slowing Down

This post took a different turn that I expected. I started writing about battling laziness and feeling unproductive. Then I started listing all the things we have done this week and I realized I was completely off base. We've accomplished a lot. I've just not scheduled every little bit of what we've accomplished. I'm definitely a verbal processor - I find out more about myself and my situation by using words and talking it out. As I wrote this post, I realized that this slow-moving week has been a gift, not a failure.
Dress up clothes, homemade wands, cherries juice on faces, holes in tights

It's been the kind of week where we've all woken up and not really felt like doing much of anything. The weather has been beautiful, the house has been relatively clean, and we just seem to be moving slowly.

Messy porch, chalk art

We've stuck with our schedule (loosely) and done the basics. We've actually read more than we needed to so far this week. We've let a lot of things slide, though. We haven't done nature study (which was supposed to be on Tuesday). I haven't cooked breakfast all week - it's been a toast and cereal kind of week. We've been slackers when it comes to our homemade sundial - we're supposed to mark the shadow every hour, but we've missed a lot.

Sad-looking sundial

The laundry is in an unfolded pile. There has been a lot of free play this week.

They say this is their new game. Basically, they pile pillows on the couch and pull each other off of the pile.
There are things that need to be done, things that were on our schedule, that just haven't been done. But that is ok. I'm trying to embrace unscheduled time, quiet time, free time. I'm trying to spend time reading the Bible and dwelling on the Creator. I'm trying to watch my kids grow.

Picnic lunch

I mean, I have to get the dishes done and the lessons planned and the paintings painted, but I'm giving myself permission to be in the moment and slow down.

We won't always have weeks like this. There will be a lot more plans, appointments, classes, practices, etc. in the weeks to come. Instead of feeling guilty that I haven't accomplished wonders this week, I'm going to enjoy being in the moment, being present with my kids, and giving them the freedom to be creative and explore the world around them.
